Friday 26 July 2013

On The "Bieb Watch" - Part Deux

Day 2 of the hunt for the Biebs - for some people.

What a bunch of losers waiting and waiting to see him.

I was there for over two hours watching these fools waiting for him.

Sad that they don't have a life.

His Bieb'sness has a nice life though, staying at the Five Star Hazleton Hotel.

Even if he was seen spitting off his balcony yesterday.

Here's a pic, because some people said I was a little hard on the Bieber last night.

Regardless, today there were even wannabees staking out the back entrance.  Hoping for a glimpse.

And even the major media outlets were there today.

OMG!! He's in the limo!  He's in the limo!!

No you fools!  He's in the truck! He's in the truck! (That was my guess.)

Turns out, I wasn't far off.

A radio station said they actually smuggled him out in a blue recycling bin. (Should have finished the job.)

I was wrong - he's the delivery guy!

I know because he, like, totally walked right by me, you know.

And another concert tonight.

And another stake out tomorrow......

Oh well, at least one lucky guy got up close and personal!

Way to go, Mystery Man.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey...that look like my good pal Lucky!...Lucky Lawlor!